Saturday, August 21, 2010

Faber: Buy India, Avoid Long Bonds, China

By: Julie Crawshaw /,

Gloom, Boom and Doom editor Marc Faber advises investors to avoid long-term Treasury bonds and China.

"I think eventually inflation will accelerate," Faber told CNBC.

"Whenever food prices go up, and grains have been very strong recently, with the sum delay, you get inflationary pressures."

Faber expects the U.S. dollar will weaken.

“That's the policy of the U.S. government, to weaken the dollar in order to cushion the downturn in the American economy," he says.

He does, however, like the idea of investing in India.

“If I look at the long-term potential . . . there is an emerging middle class and capitalism has now been truly endorsed by everybody," he says, plus India has some "very well run" companies. (more)

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