Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Will History Repeat Itself?

...The U.S. fiscal deficit for 2009 was $1.42 Trillion... Remember how I used to take the previous administration to the woodshed for posting $450 Billion fiscal deficits? How did we go from $450 Billion to $1.42 Trillion, that is if that's really the number??? Well... That's not a question to really answer, folks, we all know how we got here... But now that we're here, what happens next?

I came across this when putting the two monthly newsletter together on Sunday, I think it would be appropriate to share it with you here...

Peter Bernholz (Professor Economics in Basel) studied the world's 12 most important periods of hyperinflation and discovered that the tipping point occurs when deficits amounted to 40% of the expenditures.

For the United States we have arrived at exactly that point. The deficit of $1.5 trillion amounts to 41.7% of the $3.6 trillion in expenses.

You see, that Peter Bernholz, rounds some numbers, but for those of you keeping score at home, the real point is that the U.S. deficits are greater than 40% of expenditures... And you know me, I truly believe in this history repeating itself, or as Mark Twain put it, it may not repeat itself but it rhymes... Mark Twain also wrote: "It's not worthwhile to try to keep history from repeating itself"... (more)

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