Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bob Chapman On Gold, Silver, A Bank Holiday And The Monetary Elite

Daily Bell: Thanks for the interview.

Chapman: Glad to do it.

Daily Bell: You are well known for writing a good deal about a concerted, organized effort by the elite to control the global economy. What interactions have you had that provided you with this conclusion?

Chapman: I've been studying the elitists for 50 years, and I've been writing about them since 1967. None of this is new and now because of the Internet much of it is very visible. It begins with central banking and there is nothing to be said that can constitute a defense of central banking. A small group of men get together around a table and set interest rates, basically the price of money. They do so without supervision or the consent of those who use their money product and they do so pretty much in secret. There is no accountability and lately, again thanks to the Internet and YouTube, people can pretty well see how nonsensical the system is. (more)

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